For me, the biggest problem is that people take Kiyosaki too literally. They get tripped up on if his cat is really his business partner and miss the point of being careful how you write contracts, for example. John T Reed is a perfect example of someone who can’t see the forrest for the trees.
The ideas in Kiyosaki’s books have helped me make a lot of money. I downsized my house because I realized it is an expense, not an asset, giving me more to invest. I started investing and putting more time and energy into earning passive income, rather than putting all my effort into my day job. I have made financial education a priority. I don’t invest in Bitcoin or gold, even though Kiyosaki says to. I use my financial education to disagree with many of his recommendations. I do invest in real estate and have done quite well. I understand the power of cash flow. The more I learn about investing from multiple sources, the more I like Kiyosaki’s main principles.
If you can read him and learn the good lessons without trying to follow him like a disciple, he can be quite helpful. Of course he is a salesman, but you don’t have to buy what you don’t need.
And try not to worry about the cat!